Monday 27 May 2013


Hmm... Lemme think what to write on. Ok... Recently, macam2 yang berlaku kat kitaorang... Uhuk3x... It goes to my both beloved sister. What can we say... Things happen for a reason, am I right? So, tinggal la aku sorang kat office dengan Puan Fuku and Kak Wadda... :) Luckily ada diorang or else... Nangis tak berlagu la juga. Why I am saying that I am alone in the office... Is because... Usually both my sis Nani and Ummi will always be with me in our big Library tapi bila diorang tak de kat Library ni... Sunyi gler... Ditemani oleh Abg Lan aku je la sekali sekala... Thanks to Ira,pembekal cter Running Man kat aku. Dapatla aku pasang dlm library ni utk memeriahkan majilis ^^

Well, I hope both of them fine. Aku sentiasa doakan kebaikan dan kesejahteraan diorang. Walaupun jauh dimata, tapi both of them sentiasa dekat dihati. Eventhough ke mana saja aku pergi, aku sentiasa bawa diorang dihati. Hehehe... Karatzzz juga aku ni. Aku sayang dowh kat diorang... Sentiasa bersama aku ketika susah dan senang... Korang ingat senang ke nak dapat kawan mcm tue... Viva Forever lah! Hahaha XD

Miss my sisters alot... To both my beloved,sis... Please hang it there... I think for all that happened to both of you there is a reason behind all of this. It makes us stronger, tighter our bonding, keep on loving each other and last but not least, encouraging and giving the best support to each other...

Till then, take care.. Sarangheyo. Toodlesss.... <3

10:00am 28/02/2013

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